“Pendoric “Irish Setters (Est 1973)
Breeding for Type,Temperament and Confirmation:
Breeding for Type,Temperament and Confirmation:
A small personalised kennel, we have bred over 58 Champions to date
& our dogs are winning in Show & Obedience rings all over the world.

The most titled Irish Setter in the history of the breed !
Australia,American,Argentinian,Brazilian Grand,Canadian,Indian,
Ch Pendoric Perfect Thyming.(thanks to Agrani Kennels)
“Pendoric” was home to the Top winning Irish Setter In Australia
“Foggy” (an “ALEX” son ) Australian *Supreme *& New Zealand Ch Setterlands Tamburello At Pendoric (Imp NZ)
RIP 22/09/2005–22/06/2020
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